Sunday, June 21, 2009

The newest addition to the Taylor Clan.

On June 18th, 2009 at 1:14 pm, Landon Stanley Sheffield Taylor was born. We weighted a whopping 6 lb. 10 oz. and reached 18 1/4". The precious cargo was delivered at St. Peters Hospital in Olympia, WA. The c-section took only about 40 minutes and both Amy and Landon are recovering from their ordeal.

Bronson was at school on the 18th, that was the last day of school, and when Warren went to pick him up, Bronson jumped for joy as he now had a little brother. He exclaimed, "I knew it was a boy, I can teach him Rock, Paper, Scissors." A game that Warren taught him a day earlier. Clara was at the baby-sitters and was equally excited. She calls her little brother, "My Landon." Both kids want to hold Landon every chance they can.
Bronson was playing a card game and he let Landon pick a card. The card that he let Landon pick was the winning card. So cute to let his brother win.

That should be a good start for Landon's first few days.

The Taylor Clan.

Bronson wa

Fun trip to the coast

We entertained Warren's cousin that we got close to as we lived in Cheney, WA. The Passey's came and visisted over Memorial Day weekend.

We went to the coast and apparently there was a kite-flying competition. We couldn't believe how many kites were going. The kids loved the water even though it was very, very cold. What really surprised us was the weather difference at the coast. A mile from the coast, the weather was sunny and warm without any wind, but at the coast it, the weather was cloudy, windy and very chilly.

After the beach, we made a stop in Satsop, WA where the Northwest's nuclear power plan was started in the 70's. The project went belly-up but the cooling towers are still standing. I heard the theme song of the Simpson's run through my head as we approached. We could not believe how tall these towers were. 24 flights of stairs and just incredible construction.

That was a fun weekend and a lasting shot of both Amy and Suzy who were expecting their babies within a couple days of eachother.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

The last couple of days have been crazy. The Tuesday after MLK day, I took the Nursing Home Administrator exam for the second time. Unfortunately, I failed the first attempt by 1 stinking point. I then got a call on Friday that informed me that I would need to be in Olympia, WA by Tuesday the 27th. I will be heading out and then the family will be able to follow. Hopefully, I will be able to know where I will be placed when I get there.

Clara loves her lip gloss she got for Christmas and walks around with it in her mouth all day long and carries around her purse she got for Christmas that Aunt Shelly gave her. Bronson loves life and when Amy asks him what he wants to do today, he says he wants to go to school. Amy is pregnant and doesn't want to do anything!

That is the just of what is new for this week and maybe next week I will update the blog from a new location.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Okay. New year, better updating on the blog.
What has transpired in the last, well, six months. Working backwards, Warren finished up his training program and met with the Dept. of Health to review and take his test. They should allow him to test soon. Amy and the kids have spend the last 4 week in Utah visiting family over the holidays. Warren was asked to spend about 3 week in Portland helping out a sister facility with their survey. Apparently, he did a good job and then met up in Utah for the Christmas break.

During the last couple week in December, Spokane hit record amounts of snow!! Over 5 feet starting Dec 17th. Roofs collapsed, roads shut down, it was crazy. Amy has the camera with her in Utah or there would be pictures posted.

Over Thanksgiving, we went to Portland and visited the beach and saw some gorgious water falls. The pictures speak for themselves.

Lets stop there and keep it moving in the right direction, forwards.

We love you all very much.

The Taylors